Thursday, 10 January 2013

The Dog Who Wore Glasses

This intelligent looking dog clearly needed glasses to read his daily newspaper!

The photograph was taken by B. La Marsh of Kenosha, Wisconsin USA. Below is a wonderful description of Mr. Marsh and his studio from 1887:

B. La Marsh Photographer is recognised as a gifted and educated artist, thoroughly wedded to his art and competent to execute the highest class of work. His studio is located at the corner of Park and Main Streets. The reception rooms and gallery are handsomely and tastily furnished, while the operating room is provided with the most modern appliances and accessories. Photography in all its branches is executed; also all kinds of picture frames are made to order. A specialty, however, consists in portraits of any desired size, from the carte-da-visite to the imperial cabinet, accuracy of likeness and elegance of finish being always secured. Enlarging and copying also receive particular attention, while life and other size pictures are taken in crayon and India ink, the most perfect work and satisfaction being guaranteed. 

Postcard of Main Street, Kenosha - Looking South, c1910

The pictures Mr. La Marsh displays in his elegant gallery are an interesting and engaging study, and attest in a very practical manner the genuine artistic ability he possesses. Mr. La Marsh is a German by birth, and possesses those sterling qualities of mind and heart which bring to so many of his countrymen success and popularity in the different departments of industry to which they devote them- selves. He is respected by the members of his profession, while his many excellent personal characteristics have won for him the regard of all with whom he has come in contact. 

 The reverse of the photograph- click on the image for a larger view


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